Ayahuasca ceremony

Private one night

This Private one-night Ayahuasca ceremony is for those who have only some days available and cannot take the 6 days retreat or for those who may feel more confortable having they space only for themselves or their friends and family . This private experience offers you an intimate and profund journey with Mother Ayahuasca

Before the ceremony you will need at least two days of detox and preparation, we will give you all the instructios and advices once we talk. 

You must provide your medical information. 

Ayahuasca ceremonies are usually held at night and last until the effects of Ayahuasca have worn off. The space will be prepared and blessed when we begin the ceremony. You will be able to take Ayahuasca several times during the night always following your intuition.

After consuming the Ayahuasca, most people start to feel its effects within 20–60 minutes. The effects are dose-dependent, and the trip can last 2–6 hours. You may experience symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, feelings of euphoria and visions, dizzyness these are considered a normal part of the cleansing experience.

You will be supported and held all the time through your journey

You must provide your medical information. 

Ayahuasca ceremonies are usually held at night and last until the

This Private one-night Ayahuasca ceremony is for those who have only some days available and cannot take the 6 days retreat or for those who may feel more confortable having they space only for themselves or their friends and family . This private experience offers you an intimate and profund journey with Mother Ayahuasca

Before the ceremony you will need at least two days of detox and preparation, we will give you all the instructios and advices once we talk. 


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